Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement


Based on Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE’s) Core Practices

  1. Allegations of Misconduct

    The IJODeL seriously deals with allegations of misconduct pre or post-publication.
    Misconduct examples:

    1. Should there be a sudden request for the removal of author/s from the original submitted manuscript, the team should contact all the authors and/or ask for their signed consent.
    2. Change of the corresponding author - Please refer to item no. 2 for authorship policies and contributorship.

    In the case of a third party disputing authorship of the article, the third party must inform, in writing, the editorial management, which will evaluate and recommend to the editorial board possible action (e.g., removal of the article) on the complaint.

  2. Authorship and Contributorship

    The editorial board and editorial team acknowledge any partnerships or collaborations formed between authors/contributors. If they choose to stop their cooperation at any time before or after the article has been submitted, the writers must inform the editorial team of the inclusion or removal of other contributors/ authors and offer a reasonable justification in a document signed by both parties.

  3. Complaints and Appeals

    In the event of a complaint against the editorial team or the journal's policies, the complainant is expected to file an official complaint with the team.

    In the case of serious complaints, the board must decide whether or not the complaints should be referred to their legal counsel.

  4. Conflicts of interest/ competing interests

    Members of the advisory and editorial boards must declare any conflicts of interest prior to the start of their appointments. An appointment is renewed biannually by management.

    Conflicts of interest include the following:

    1. Editors/Editorial Board/Advisory Board or university employees who wish to publish in the journal must be excluded from the review process and decisions.
    2. The advisory and editorial board will convene and decide on the matter of invitations to editorial board members by competing journals with the same scope and aims.
    3. Researchers or authors must declare their conflicts of interest before and during publication.
    4. Reviewers must present a clear and unbiased assessment of the articles they referee.
    5. Typically, the funding sources used to conduct the research are not disclosed. If the contract requires an acknowledgment, a special section in the journal article layout may be added.
  5. Data and reproducibility

    Prior to an issue publication, authors are required to sign a conforme that serves as a verification that authors recognize and confirm that their journal article would be published as an open education resource (OER) and that they agree to the edits made by the editorial team.

  6. Ethical oversight

    As part of the editorial requirements, authors are requested to include in the methodology section the ethical rules, including their data privacy and confidentiality policies, used in the conduct of writing their study. A supporting document may be submitted to the editorial team for documentation purposes. In case of doubt, the editorial team may seek guidance from the UPOU IREC for the resolution of possible issues arising from the foregoing.

  7. Intellectual property

    The IJODeL journal publication is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), whereby the texts may be shared, redistributed, transformed, and re-produced for commercial and non-commercial purposes, provided that credit is given to the original authors.

    As an open-access journal, the editorial team accepts no payments or fees associated with processing, reviewing, and publishing the articles.

    Pre-print Policy

    The journal does not interpose any objection for authors to deposit versions of their published work in institutional repositories of their choice. However, the authors are urged to declare that these pre-prints are not considered publications consistent with the Submission Preparation Checklist and comply with any applicable copyright laws and anti-plagiarism policies imposed by the journal.

    Should their paper be published in IJODeL, proper attribution to the original publication be provided when depositing their work in a repository.

  8. Journal management

    The IJODeL website is powered by Open Journal Systems (OJS) to manage the journal publication process effectively. It aids in the submission of manuscripts by interested authors.

    All papers to be submitted are reviewed and analyzed by the editorial board. Accepted and approved manuscripts will be sent to the pool of reviewers through blind review to determine whether the paper is eligible for publication. This process usually takes at most two (2) weeks.

    Once reviewed, depending on the recommendations provided by the reviewer, the authors will be asked to revise their manuscript. A revised manuscript will be analyzed and reviewed again if necessary.

    For all edited and finalized manuscripts (laid out and almost ready for publication), all authors will have to sign a conforme stating that they agree to all the edits made in their article. Should there be corrections, the author/s must inform the managing editor so they can be remedied before publication.

    Once published, all the authors will be notified about their availability on the website.

  9. Peer review process

    The journal employs a double-blind review process whereby authors' and reviewers' identities are unknown to each other throughout the process.

  10. Post-publication discussion and corrections

    Before publishing the issue, the team must submit the finalized version of the laid-out issue. The authors must ensure that all information, affiliations, and names included in their articles are correct and free of error. Should there be any corrections, the authors must inform the team regarding the modifications.

    Any corrections made after the publication date should be decided upon by the Editorial Board. Depending on the corrections to be made, these modifications and updates should be announced on the website for transparency.

  11. Journal online repository

    All articles published in this journal are securely archived through the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN). PKP PN serves as a preservation service for users of the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform, ensuring the long-term storage and accessibility of journal articles in the event of "trigger events," such as when a journal decides to cease publication. This invaluable service is provided free of charge to OJS users, guaranteeing the preservation of their scholarly content. To learn more about PKP PN, you may visit:


General Statement

The IJODeL complies with the COPE practices.
IJODeL seriously deals with allegations of misconduct on publication.

The ethical considerations that were undertaken (e.g., protecting the respondents' identity) during the study should be established and elaborated in the methodology.

As it is an open-access journal, it does not accept payment or fees for processing, reviewing, and publishing the articles. As an open-access journal, all contents are accessible to the general public.


Responsibility of the Editor

The Chief Editor and/or Guest Editor/s shall be responsible for determining, choosing, and finalizing the list of the articles/studies to be published under the journal.


Responsibility of the Editorial Members

The Editorial team members shall ensure the originality of any submitted manuscript. The managing editor and editorial assistant shall check the articles for correctness (grammar and citations) and the paper’s compliance with the IJODeL Style Guide for Full Paper Submission. Non-compliance with the journal guidelines shall result in the rejection of the article.



All information provided by the authors and blind peer-reviewers shall be used only for the purpose of publication in the journal. Any discrepancies should be reported immediately to the editorial body for appropriate action.


Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

To avoid any issue or misunderstanding that may incite bias, the authors must disclose their relationship/affiliation/connection related to any content in their manuscript.


Responsibilities of the Reviewers

The referees nominated or recommended by the Editorial Board/Team are experts in their respective fields. A reviewer’s tasks involve the following: a) recommend acceptance or rejection of the manuscript based on the journal’s publication guidelines and goals, b) recommend review judgment solely based on academic merit and without any prejudice towards the race, gender, political, and religious orientation of the author/s, c) suggest possible revisions for the improvement of the assigned manuscript, d) inform the Editorial team about suspected legal/publication violation/s of law, or violations of publication rules or policies, by the author, and e) treat the article with the utmost confidentiality during the review process.

The referees must submit the filled-out journal review form that will serve as a supplementary reference for the Chief Editor to approve or reject the article for publication.


Responsibilities of the Authors

The Authors’ responsibilities include the following:

  1. Any attempt of plagiarism shall be automatically subjected to rejection of the manuscript. To detect plagiarism, IJODeL uses software primarily to discern publication piracy.
  2. Authors must follow the latest edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) Citation Guidelines.
  3. The Authors must ensure that the submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (otherwise, an explanation must be provided in Comments to the Editor). The authors are required to sign the “Author’s Conforme” that will indicate that their manuscript has not been published in any journal or publication.
  4. Authors must inform the editor and editorial team should there be an error or inaccuracy in the manuscript before or after publication.
  5. As the journal subjects each article to a double-blind review, the authors must ensure that their manuscripts are prepared to undergo the process.