International Journal on Open and Distance e-Learning <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"><img class="homepage-book" src="" width="100%" /></div> <div class="col-md-8"> <p>The International Journal on Open and Distance e-Learning (IJODeL) is a bi-annual, open-access and refereed online journal committed to the promotion of Open and Distance e-Learning (ODeL) worldwide. IJODeL is designed to disseminate original research, book reviews, theories, and best practices pertaining to ODeL.</p> <p>A joint publication by the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) in collaboration with the Philippine Society for Distance Learning (PSDL), IJODeL is a venue to facilitate sharing and development of knowledge aimed at improving the quality of ODeL research worldwide. Contributors from all around the world are welcome to submit their papers. Manuscripts can be submitted through the online journal submission system.</p> </div> </div> University of the Philippines Open University en-US International Journal on Open and Distance e-Learning 2467-7469 ChatGPT — A Threat or an Aid in Teaching and Learning <p>The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education can have a beneficial effect on learners' attitudes and self-assurance toward learning. However, it may also present a danger of substituting teachers and interpersonal interactions that are essential for learners' holistic development. This research investigated the use of AI, specifically the Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT), in education and whether it is an ally or a threat to teaching and learning. It discussed and elaborated how AI has changed the traditional practice, principles, culture, and theory in education. Moreover, it identified the advantages and disadvantages of using ChatGPT in education, potential paradigm shifts that may arise from its use, and its impact on science and mathematics education. Furthermore, this study presented an analysis of ChatGPT's responses to standardized marking schemes in science and mathematics and provided valuable insights into how AI can be integrated into the teaching and learning of science and mathematics. This study concluded that a review of the assessment approaches, as well as an openminded perspective in adapting the curriculum and pedagogies with the incorporation of AI, are needed to maximize the learning outcomes of 21st century learners.</p> Geneviv Magtoto Fatima Bagnol Rica Abunda Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal on Open and Distance e-Learning 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 9 2 10.58887/ijodel.v9i2.250 Students’ Perceived Learning Acquisition of the Enhanced Course for Digital Communication <p>The inevitable rapid transformation of technology has instantly defined the way of life people have today, particularly in the education sector, where academic experts are compelling to realign the curriculum and instructions with the existing technological trends. The study of the enhanced course for Digital Communication is presented in this undertaking to address the digital technology learning needs of Liberal Arts students in the new normal phenomena. Specifically, it examines the influence of students' perceived prior digital technology knowledge on their perceived cognitive learning and explores the differences in students' perceived learning acquisition. Data were generated from one hundred fifty-two (152) first-year Liberal Arts students of Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin. Cronbach's Alpha coefficient confirmed the high internal consistency of the personalized and partly adopted questionnaire. The finding reveals that students' perceived prior digital technology knowledge has significantly influenced their perceived cognitive learning acquisition. The diminished data variability strengthens the evidence that students' performance has dramatically improved in hybrid and blended learning. Correspondingly, the three groups of respondents highly favored affective learning acquisition over cognitive and psychomotor. It conveys that learners profoundly engage with others using digital technologies as they grasp the meaning of the subject matter. This paper, therefore, substantiates that the enhanced course for Digital Communication was designed ergonomically for effective learning.</p> DIADEMA RONQUILLO Supot Thaisurya Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal on Open and Distance e-Learning 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 9 2 10.58887/ijodel.v9i2.257 Engendering Agency, Mindfulness, and Critical Thinking in Online Education <p>Challenges remain in the conduct of graduate education even when Philippine society has already begun its so-called post pandemic recovery. Such challenges include but are not limited to shifting work arrangements, perturbations in personal and family priorities, and everyday socio-economic realities such as the traffic problem and the rising cost of living. Given this backdrop of hard realities and increasing pressure on the individual’s mental space, in which learners attempt to negotiate the pursuit of graduate studies, I draw on my lived experience in teaching graduate students at the Asian Center, University of the Philippines Diliman and problematize the issues in engendering agency, mindfulness, and critical thinking as desired states of being in an empowered, student-centered learning setting. Utilizing phenomenography, the study probes the approaches that were effective in teaching and learning as well as their challenges and the attendant contexts. I hope to contribute to the academic discourse on rethinking graduate education pedagogy.</p> Tina Clemente Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal on Open and Distance e-Learning 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 9 2 10.58887/ijodel.v9i2.264 Student Engagement in an Online Class <p>The present study used descriptive research design to assess student engagement in an online class of a city college in Southern Philippines. It underscored the critical role of student engagement in shaping the various educational outcomes in an online learning environment. A sample of 239 college students were randomly selected to respond to a researcher-made questionnaire, which was pilot-tested and passed the test of validity and reliability. With at least two years’ experience of attending online classes that started during the COVID-19 era, the students’ Internet profile was characterized as having used cellphones and phone Internet to attend online classes and having spent more than 2 to 4 hours daily on the Internet for non-academic purposes. The findings of this study have further shown that the students are engaged in the cognitive, affective, and behavioral domains of online learning. Using the Kruskal-Wallis test for Likert-scale data, no significant difference was found in student engagement in an online class when grouped according to access to Internet, time use of Internet for non-academic purpose, and types of gadgets used. Based on these findings, the study has recommended the following: a) the use and mastery of teaching strategies that promote active listening, asking direct questions to the teachers, greater talking time of the students, and more interaction between teacher and students; and b) the use of breakout rooms in an online classroom for small group discussions and greater collaborative learning among students.</p> Benedicto Norberto Aves Sheila May Ambat Bernadette Jeana Marie Aves Joanne Diesca Earlynne Villegas Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal on Open and Distance e-Learning 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 9 2 10.58887/ijodel.v9i2.269 Perceptions of Higher Education Faculty Regarding the Use of Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (ChatGPT) in Education <p>This research delves into the perspectives of faculty members in higher education regarding the utilization of Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (ChatGPT) in the realm of education. Additionally, it examines the probable impacts of this technology on social transformation and academic settings in the Philippines. A research study was conducted wherein 20 faculty members from a state university in the Philippines were questioned to acquire their perspectives and firsthand encounters regarding the utilization of ChatGPT in their academic instruction. The research's findings showed that ChatGPT had both beneficial and detrimental effects on higher education. On the positive side, ChatGPT can be a helpful learning tool for students, especially for those who are introverted, and can simplify the repetitive tasks that educators perform while encouraging the growth of students' self-directed critical thinking skills. The utilization of ChatGPT may have adverse effects on students' critical thinking skills and promote excessive dependence on technology. Moreover, the research revealed that although the faculty members were cognizant of ChatGPT's existence, they did not entirely depend on technology to execute highquality education. The efficacy of artificial intelligence and its incorporation in the realm of education, as per the respondents, was contingent upon the conscientiousness of the faculty and administrators in facilitating the enhancement of students' analytical and evaluative proficiencies.</p> Martin Jerome Goli-Cruz Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal on Open and Distance e-Learning 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 9 2 10.58887/ijodel.v9i2.249 Evaluation of the UPOU MOOC "Principles of Graphic Design" using Product Variable of Biggs' 3P Model <p>As Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are being recognized as a link between higher education and the increasing demand for employability, it is imperative to employ continuous evaluation for quality assurance. This research aimed to evaluate the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) MOOC “Principles of Graphic Design” in accordance with the MOOC Quality Guidelines developed by the Commonwealth of Learning. With Biggs’ 3P Model incorporated in the MOOC Quality Guidelines, this evaluation research focused on the product variables of the model: completion/retention and certification rates, and enjoyment and self-satisfaction. The completion and certification rates were computed using LMS analytics, while the enjoyment and self-satisfaction rates were evaluated using a survey instrument based on the learner ratings for the product variable in the Guidelines for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of MOOCs using a five-point Likert scale on outcomes perception, continuing education, employment opportunities, and socializing. With a total of 22,942 enrolled students, 7,620 managed to complete the course and receive certificates. Of these, a total of 7,239 agreed to be survey respondents. Results of the study showed high satisfaction rates, with 77.95% of the respondents giving "very satisfied" rates to the said MOOC. The mean scores for three out of the four learner ratings were above four (4.32 to 4.88), with the socializing component given a neutral rating (3.14 to 3.59). Overall, results showed high completion and certification rates, as well as enjoyment and self-satisfaction ratings for the MOOC.</p> Ma. Gian Rose Cerdeña Lexter Mangubat Luisa Gelisan Mari Anjeli Crisanto Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal on Open and Distance e-Learning 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 9 2 10.58887/ijodel.v9i2.261